Tropical Cyclone Alfred

This service/facility may be impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Arrowhead Violet, Viola betonicifolia

Arrowhead Violet, Viola betonicifolia

A great ground cover for moist shady spots or pots.

Arrowhead Violets thrive in gardens and add a charming touch with their delicate purple flowers and attractive dark green foliage. It is easy to grow, versatile and is a great ground cover in moist shady spots or in pots if well-watered.

The Arrowhead Violet is also the food plant for caterpillars of the critically endangered Australian Laced Fritillary butterfly, Argyreus hyperbius inconstans. This butterfly was last recorded in the region in 1998. By providing the right habitat for the Laced Fritillary, we may see it return.


A small perennial herb that growing to 20-40 cm high depending on conditions. Plants will multiply and grow in clusters. Flowers are usually 2 cm across with colours varying from pale purple to violet, flowering winter - spring. The dark green leaves are arrowhead-shaped as the common name indicates.

Growth requirements

Arrowhead Violets can tolerate a variety of soil types, but prefer damp, shaded conditions and may need supplementary watering in dry times. It is self-seeding and in optimal conditions it can be quite vigorous and may spread.