Finger Lime, Citrus australasica

Finger Lime, Citrus australasica

A native citrus with small edible fruit valued for its distinctive caviar-like pulp.

The Finger Lime is a native citrus with small edible fruit valued for its distinctive caviar-like pulp. The Finger Lime’s thorny branches provide protective cover for small birds and it is a host plant for caterpillars of the Dainty Swallowtail, Papilio anactus and Orchard Swallowtail, Papilio aegeus butterflies. It is very versatile in the garden and will grow as a potted plant in a courtyard or balcony. It helps attract birds, bees and other beneficial insects to your garden.


The Finger Lime is a thorny shrub to small tree. It can reach a height of 6m but can be maintained at a smaller size through frequent pruning. The tree features white flowers in autumn which transform into slow-growing, finger-shaped fruit during winter and spring.

Growth requirements

This plant flourishes in dappled light or full sun. It thrives in rich well-drained soil and benefits from mulching to preserve soil moisture in summer.