Great Botanic Race

Great Botanic Race

Self-guided orienteering challenge for older kids and teens

Keen to get your tweens out of the house and on the move? 

This self-guided orienteering activity is a great way to enjoy an active, all-ages day at the Botanic Garden. Older children and teens love racing their friends and solving the puzzle while they explore the bushland.

Grab a map at the information wall (near the lagoon crossing) in the lower part of the botanic garden, or download and print before you come.

Map and instructions

Choose between the Junior course (6 letters, <1km in <1hr) or the Full course (15 letters, <2km in <2hr). Use the detailed map to navigate between the numbered control points, each with a different letter and a hole punch so you know where you've been.  Find them all to solve the puzzle. 

This activity was developed in partnership with Adventure Sunshine Coast and Sunshine Orienteers.