Emu Foot is a hardy, attractive groundcover with three-pronged leaves on long stalks resembling an emu’s foot. It is a nitrogen fixing plant and grows well in most garden conditions. In eastern Australia it is one of the host plants for caterpillars of the Checkered Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio demoleus.
Emu Foot is a delightful scrambling open groundcover reaching a height of 30cm. From early spring to late summer it produces spikes of tiny bluish or mauve-purple pea flowers, followed by shiny black seed pods. It is easy to grow and has a tendency to spread when growing in favourable conditions.
Growth requirements
Emu Foot is suitable for open areas and will grow well under tall open plants. It is an attractive addition to a native cottage garden. It can also be used in place of lawns and will tolerate periodic mowing. It is adaptable to different soil conditions and resilient to periods of drought.