Love Flower, Pseuderanthemum variabile

Love Flower, Pseuderanthemum variabile

An excellent groundcover for shady areas and pots.

The Love Flower is a small perennial herb with delicate flowers naturally found growing on the edges of rainforests. It is an excellent groundcover for shady areas and also grows well in pots. It is the host plant for caterpillars of the Leafwing Butterfly, Doleschallia bisaltide, and many species of eggfly butterfly.


The Love Flower can grow up to 30cm tall although it is usually not so high. They have variable coloured leaves, some are dark green, some have purplish undersides and others will feature white markings. The flowers are white to pale pink or lilac and are produced on the end of stems from spring to autumn.

Growth requirements

Love Flowers grow well in sheltered, shady spots, thriving in moist soil conditions. It will self-seed readily in the garden.